Kelola Database Pelanggan untuk Melejitkan Penjualan

Solusi lengkap mengatur semua media komunikasi, messenger, telepon  dalam satu platform

Solusi Teknologi Bisnis Terlengkap

Komunikasi Omnichannel

Mengatur pesan, panggilan telepon, dan komunikasi dalam solusi all-in one untuk mengotomatisasikan bisnis Anda

Aplikasi Sales CRM

Lacak tim penjual, KPI, aktivitas dan penyimpanan Anda dalam platform teknologi terpadu untuk mendorong pertumbuhan dengan cepat

Aplikasi Customer Service

Mengatur pelayanan pelanggan Anda dengan sistem tiket dan dasbor yang dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi alur proses bisnis Anda

Pantau aktivitas sales dan marketing dengan mudah

Kini, anda bisa memantau produktifitas sales dan marketing anda melalui satu platform CRM yang akan menyimpan semua informasi terkait penjualan.

Aplikasi Sales CRM untuk meningkatkan performa bisnis

Memantau kinerja Sales dan Marketing dengan cara manual sudah tidak efektif lagi untuk saat ini. 

Anda tidak bisa mengetahui dengan cepat setiap tindakan yang diambil oleh sales dan marketing saat mengalami kendala di lapangan.

Dengan aplikasi sales CRM ini, setiap tindakan atau perilaku belanja pelanggan bisa terpantau secara kronologis dan tim sales/marketing anda tidak perlu lagi membuat laporan penjualan manual yang hanya akan menghabiskan waktu mereka.  

We Provides All Facilities For Better Work Environment

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made. This paragraph is also for those who are looking out for a reliable co-working space. You can use a few enticing words and flaunt your capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away. List down your expertise and experience to prove you are the best.

Flexible Private Office
Fully Custom Space
Anything You Need

This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.​​

Full Kitchen

This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.​

Wireless Fax & Printer

This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.​

Friendly Price Package

This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.​​

Most Affordable Co-Working Place In The City​​

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made. This paragraph is also for those who are looking out for a reliable co-working space. You can use a few enticing words and flaunt your capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away. List down your expertise and experience to prove you are the best.

Membership Package
Dedicated Office Package
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